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Fall 2024


(in Alphabetical order)


"300 Feet Tall" by Michelle Vezilj

"A Blessing" by Christine Lawless

"A BLIND EYE" by Alan Larson

"A Film Noir... With Vampires" by Ryan M. Andrews

"A Rose Of No Man's Land" by Sara Althani

"A Song of Bullets" by Lizzy Shannon

"A Sweet Revenge" by Farnaz Calafi

"A Time Traveller's Brunch" by Patrick James Pendergast

"Alice and The Land of Wonder" by Danielle R Erlich

"All You Need Is Love" by Gary Irwin

"Alma Murder" by Tyler Snure

"Alternate Side" by Andrew Ravaschiere and Hailey Reede

"APACHE" by Adam Seidel

"Artificial" by Matthew Walsh

"Assassin: The Game" by Pamela D Williams

"Assisted Living" by Forrest Forte

"Baby Tooth"by Tania Luna

"BARILOCHEClaudia Cifuentes

"Behind the Walls, a Horror Story" by Matthew Boylan

"Black Girl Magic" by Sasha Kai

"Blind Spot" by Graham Parke

"Blindsight" by James Kriz

"Blood and Bone Pawn Shop" by Laura J. Hickman

"Blue, like green" by Salome Sowa

"Bouravka" by Paul Grigoryants

"Caddy Crush" by Julie Regine Dolan

"Camera Obscura" by Paolo Taddei

"Cameron's Manifesto" by Jack Henry Greene

"Chaos Theory in the Shape of Oklahoma"

"Cherry Pop Genius" by Christabel Soo

"Christ Kill" by James Housand

"Clouded Wonder" by Sarah Ann Sibert

"COMMUNITY SHED" by Tara Price

"Concrete Village" by Rosita A Ruvalcava

"Conjure: Friend Like Me" by Tira Denise Adams

"Conor Pass" by Meg Halski

"Crossed" by Peter Herlan

"CryoLife" by Glenn Acosta

"Dancing on a Tightrope" by Jesse Kalfel

"Dark Mother" by Josh Miller

"Deathless" by Biagio Gulino and Tyler Kamens

"Destroyer" by Michael Yocum

"Detail '63" by Mike Gerbino

"Dippers" by Niamh Gormley

"Disco Queen" by Maren Swanson Sullivan

"Don't Touch Me" by Ervin Anderson

"Dream Girl" DELIVERED —Series Pilot by CLIFFORD W EVAN

"Elixir" by CR Sherman

"Eloise Is Awesome" by David Paul Tieck

"Eva's tango" by Roselida Porrello

"Fire and ICE: Under Duress" pilot by RJ Oliver

"Fish Head" by Yasmine Gomez

"Flora the Fungus" by Nicole Egna

"FLOVERR" by Anita Udeep

"For Blue" by Suzanna Gardetto

"Fortuna" Ep 1/10 by Pedro Canais

"FOUR HUNDRED to NONE" by D'Jae Johnson

"Fragments" by Derek Adam Thomas

"Frankie Boy" by Fran Sisco

"Freeborn" by Shane Harbinson


"Granny Has A Gambling Problem" by Renee L Green

"Griefstruck" by Melissa Malone and Diann Gogerty

"Grounded in Éire" by Ralph Keefer

"Growing Up With a Groove" by Rob Nightingale

"HAPPY LANDING" by Dianne Lee Blomberg, PhD and Joseph Alexander Carabello

"Heather Would Never" by Emelie Claxton

"Her Husband" by Naomi Dong

"How Far" by Dennis McCoy Sr

"Humphrey" by Paul Grigoryants

"In-Depth" by R.W. Smith

"Indulgentia" by Kenneth Fu

"Inherent" by Jessica A Ackerson

"Inheritance"  Screenplay by Anthony Misiano

"Inner Demons: The Exorcism of Cardinal Torres" by Claudio Martinez-Valle

"IT'S ONLY A MOVIE..." by Zane Dunscomb

"Jenny's Dumping Brian and Everybody Knows It" by Vanessa Esteves

"Just What I Need" by  Allie Nelson

"Kissyfoot" by Michael Clifton

"Last Stand at Butte City" by Natalie Schwan

"Leila" by Faryarsadat Hosseini

"Leningrad" by Emily Bickford Lansbury

"Let There Be Light" by Paula Andrea Cajiao and Jessica L. Folk

"LET'S GO MUTTS!" by Robert Potter

"Liz" by Lauren Loud

"Love" by Anhtuan Do and Nancy Dedakia


"Mad Bad Dangerous to Know" by Leonora Gershman Pitts

"MAGLIOCCO" by Jim Wurst

"Morton's Trucking Co - "Save the Park"" by CG Zarbock

"Mousey Boy" by Tessa Elaine Duke

"Mr. Shakespeare's Plays" by Christena Alcorn

"Murder Most Virtual" by Ted Chastain

"My Future Ex-Husband" by Oscar Raymundo

"NEVEREVERLAND" by Heather Greer

"Old MacDonald County" by Tom Zupicich

"On The Record" by Adam Goudchaux

"ONCE UPON A TIME FINKELMAN" by Samuel Jacob Attias

"ONE NIGHT STAN" by Robbie Robertson


"Oy...A Jewish Comedy Series" by Shara Ashley Zeiger

"Pitch" by Philip Sedgwick

"Plan C" by Scott Anthony Cavalheiro

"Play by the Rules, Keith Marshall" by Brian Kurlander and Clayton Landey

"Poster Girls" by Christina Capra

"Purgademia" by Gary F Cergol

"Quantum Ghosts" by Libby McGugan

"Race Wars: A Eugenics Experiment" by Eric Faulkner

"Red Ryder" by Mark Wryan

"RESIDUE" by Matilda Szydagis

"RETREAT" screenplay by Mari SanGiovanni

"Return Exchange" by John Gionis

"Sapphire" by Shanice Bowrin

"Searching For a Smile" by Micheal McAlexander

"Snow Angel" by Monica McFawn

"Southern Sky" by Andrew Stein

"Stone" by Kristopher Wilson

"Swan of Hudson River" by Mingjie Li

"Tales of Olympus: The Titanomachy"

"Tang" by Matthew Giacheri


"Thalassophobia" by B Kelley

"The Baphomet Condition" by Jeff Barker

"The Bodega" by Nicholas David Shanman

"The Building" by Christopher Glass

"The Bullpen" by Hoss Carroll

"The Chaos Without a Face" by Henry Winnik

"The Ick" by Naomi Lindh

"The Last Trial" by Rebekah Scheffelmaier

"The Last Uprising" by Stephanie L Elie

"The Laundry" by CG Zarbock


"The Magician" by Diane Thomassin

"The Man in the Green Coat" by Cindy Lynn Carter

"The Old Brood" by Vincent Veloso and Matthew Meinsen

"The Past Speaks" by Geoff MCCUE and Kate Queen

"The Poacher 09302024" by Christine Noël

"The Prison" by Ronald McQueen

"The Redemption of Holly Porter" by James Michael Albanese and Paul Rose

"The Resistance" by Natalie Schwan

"The Retoucher" by Lindsay Eleanor Smith

"The Scrapper" by Leon Mintz

"The Spirit of '76" by Jerry Jerome

"The Telenkovian Experiment" by MJ Politis

"The Ultimate Enchantment" by Aimee Dansereau and Allison Chaney

"The Yoko Ono Story" by Anzu Lawson

"This Way Comes" by Leonora Gershman Pitts

"TOKYO GHOST" - Feature Film Screenplay by Rachel Walsh-Williams

"TOKYO GHOST" - Pilot by Rachel Walsh-Williams

"Torn" by Maria Shamkalian

"True Calling" by Sarah Seidelmann

"Tupperware!" by Pamela Martin

"Unplanned Adoption" by David Morton

"Unpredictable" by Lisa Hickey

"Uprising" by Gina Ann Jurva

"Us & Them" by Henry Sarwer-Foner and Noel Baker

"Vallovia" by Julio Ponce Palmieri and Deborah Skoff

"Victoria's Dirty Secret" by Heather MacArthur

"WE WILL NEVER BE" by Alfred Thomas Catalfo

"Welcome To Stillwater" by Robert Flowers

"West with the Night" by Ellen M. Puff

"When Pigs Fly" by Terry Podnar

"WILLIAM TELL - Son of Lugh Long-Arm" by Silvan Boris Schmid

"Without" by Paula Brooke

"X P L T R" by Danny Katz

"Yiddish Club" by Kayla Eisenberg

"You Are Going to Die Tomorrow" by Elise Felber

"You Can Call Me Cookie" by Kamaria Williams

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